Water Resources Management Program

The Yahara Watershed Improvement Network (Yahara WINs), led by the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) and including over 30 partners, is conducting an adaptive management pilot project for nutrient reduction in the Six Mile Creek Watershed located north of Lake Mendota.

As part of the pilot project, Yahara WINs will study how to reduce many sources of phosphorous and has partnered with the University of Wisconsin- Madison Water Resources Management (WRM) Program to investigate historic and transient sediment laden with phosphorous.

Using several model wetlands and streams they will investigate the following questions:

  • How much sediment is in temporary storage?
  • How much phosphorus is attached to that sediment?
  • When is sediment deposited, and when does it move?
  • Is there a cost-effective way to remove or stabilize the phosphorus?