Waunakee / Westport Joint Plan Commission

About Us

The Waunakee/Westport Joint Plan Commission is in charge of Design Review, lot line adjustments and zoning for the Joint Waunakee/Westport Planning Area. This Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Kennedy Administration Building at 6:00 pm.


The Waunakee/Westport Joint Planning Area (JPA) Comprehensive Plan was prepared to address long-range land use planning and development issues in the Waunakee/Westport JPA. The JPA is delineated in the Boundary Stipulation and Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the Village of Waunakee and the Town of Westport that was adopted in 1996.  All actions affecting land use in the JPA are subject to review procedures established in the agreement.

One of the key provisions of the Boundary Stipulation and Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement is the establishment of the Joint Plan Commission (JPC) as the review and approval body for land use plans and development regulations within the JPA.


The JPC consists of 3 members appointed by the Village of Waunakee and 3 appointed by the Town of Westport.  These members serve as the planning body for the JPA.  The JPA Comprehensive Plan serves as the primary planning policy document for the JPC.  The general time frame for the JPA Comprehensive Plan is a 20-year planning horizon.

Submittal Deadlines

2024 Submission Deadlines


Staff Contacts

Board Members

Brian Wallace
Kevin Phelps (Alternate)
Dennis Tande
John Cuccia
Chris Zellner
Mark Crowell
Sue Springman
Dean A. Grosskopf